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Spiceworks – The Free IT Desktop July 25, 2006

Posted by Ryan Jarrett in Advertising, Google, Tech.
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spiceworks.comIn my last job (and to a lesser extent, in my current job) I was working with a limited budget and resources.  Therefore I was always on the lookout for good quality, low cost (i.e. free!) software tools.  I found quite a few (and occassionally use them for testing in certain circumstances) and I may post a list on here if there is enough demand.  Today I’m just spreading the word about Spiceworks.  Its curious not only because its a browser-based, network admin tool but because it displays Google ads alongside the application in the browser – and this is how its funded.  I can see larger companies disregarding Spiceworks because they already use Microsoft’s Systems Management Server, or another third party tool, but for SMEs, organisations and charities with smaller budgets I can see a home.  I’m hoping Spiceworks is the first of many Google ad-supported apps we will see (if you’re reading this guys then an easy-install-and-use Intranet would be great!), especially with Ajax and other web2.0 technologies extending what is practical and achievable in a web browser.

Follow up being made to Bravia Balls July 21, 2006

Posted by Ryan Jarrett in Advertising, TV.
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Bravia AdI just found out that Sony are making a follow up to the amazing Bravia Balls advert. They are keeping a blog about its progress which you can read here. I think its something to do with paint!

What’s So Good About Hot Weather? July 21, 2006

Posted by Ryan Jarrett in Question.

SunI’ve decided to run a Friday question (I do the same on my other blog) and this week I want to know what’s so good about the hot weather. In the UK at the moment we’re having a major heatwave (prediction of 38°C are being made but the highest so far is 36.3°C I think) and although I like hot weather, there are major downsides. So I would like everyone (whoever they may be) to post one good thing and one bad thing about the weather.

I just like the fact that it is still 20°C+ at 11pm (which is especially good for going to a party this Saturday!) and it feels like Spain or Florida or somewhere. I hate the fact that I seem to be attracting every insect within a 5-mile radius and they all wanna take a chunk out of me! I mean how can I get bitten on my stomach when its covered up!

Right, your turn!

McDonalds Sundial Billboard July 20, 2006

Posted by Ryan Jarrett in Advertising, Food.
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I’ve been to the States three times (Florida each time I’m afraid – I’m a sucker for theme parks) and their billboards are much more exciting than ours.  McDonald’s new billboard in Chicago features a sundial which points to a different breakfast item every hour until lunchtime when it points to a burger.  Why cant we have boards like this in the UK?

Nintendo Wii – GAME playtest July 10, 2006

Posted by Ryan Jarrett in Games, Nintendo.
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Last week high street store GAME attended a playtest of the new Nintento Wii – their next-gen, wireless, motion sensitive console.  And the verdict – bloody good!  It looks like Nintendo’s gamble could pay off.

GAME played a handful of games and a couple of technical demos, although the really big name games weren’t present.  I expect though we will see more info on the console and games trickled out as the year goes on and Nintendo get closer to launch date.